Tuesday, March 2, 2010


Our class likes to write to a one word writing prompt each day as we start writing. We use the site http://www.oneword.com/. Today's word was triangle.

Here is what some of us wrote:

A triangle is a shape. The pyramids in Egypt have triangles on the faces. By Daniel

Hey look there is a triangle. If you look closely you could probably see a lot of triangles. By Nickolas

Right angles
Awesome triangles
Never enough
Great and cool
Laying flat down
Enough no!
By Lillian

There are many triangles. Do you know that triangles are a shape? By Isaiah

triangles are a shape
triangles are wonderful
triangles are awesome
triangles can help people
triangles are fun
triangles are bright colors
and dark colors.
By Madissen

I see a triangle
and it has a pointy mouth
and it's going to eat
the family

A triangle is a shape and it looks like a pizza and they have three sides. By Tazia

Leave us a comment! Now it is your turn! Time yourself for just ONE minute and write about the word triangle! We are excited to read what you write!

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